Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The 14 Of March, Tradition and Celebration

Summer Day is a celebration with very ancient origin. This holiday tradition is best preserved are especially celebrated citizens of Elbasan on 14 March.
Celebration performed in honor of the beautiful nature of Albanian and vegetation that takes life on this date. Already this holiday has become the national day holiday. The hallmark of this celebration is ballokumeve cooking.
While in Lezha Summer Day ndizeshin purifying fires of the sun to give strength in the courtyard of the gardens. Of the women become magical rites against other human pest, predatory.
Although this day is still magnificently preserved and celebrated in the ancient city (VALMI) Headquarters, it is the celebration of all Albanians. On March 13 people take a small bunch of green grass with roots and soil, which have in the morning of March 14 at home. This ancient custom is preserved and celebrated not only in Elbasan is in Debar, Struga and Prespa.
Summer Day was the day of the beginning of very ancient calendar of Albanians, a day celebrated centuries before Christianity was born. She celebrated with a march Julian calendar, the first day of New Year (Gregorian calendar, "March 14") It was a holiday pan, which was celebrated both in North and South, but with different shades, according to the region.
As evidence I bring here two descriptions of the meaning and celebration of "Summer Day" one of the southern provinces, one for the northern highlands. Descriptions are published at the time when Albania was not a political party, even when ecclesiastical institutions do not push or noses in so-called pagan celebrations. The first description we have of the largest Faik Konica, who almost 100 years ago, at the time of Ottoman rule, wrote with its elegant style.
What simbolozon Summer Day?
It is the day on which our ancestors, when the ski born Christianity, celebrating with the Romans and the Ancient Greeks, the gods of flowers, the shlegjevet. When melting winter, when summer approaches smiling, thin and long as Boticelit painting, human heart removed from a child, enjoying a calm, a sweet lumtëri. In this joy, our ancestors felt a duty to thank the gods that bring these mirësira. And so anointed that call hiroshe holidays Summer Day. In a few days in Bangladesh, paganism finite faithful, loving and faithful without without knowing, will surround the branches of said summer, the dëllinjavet, the dafinavet, all shelgjevet honored. Will cut green branches and put them over the heads of houses. We will not lose these old festivals of our race. Does not harm human. Bring a pure joy at home. A place where little ones life is so sad, djelmuria and girls have a rare habit to play. For the great Day of Summer has a fine poetic taste rare.
Description of the second, which speaks for the celebration of "Summer Day" by mountaineers of northern Catholics, we have the Father Berdardin Palaj. He wrote two decades after the Faik Konica:
"House to house in the days of wine, family members rally round the fire to connect with witches, mgjillcat, llungjat, rrollcat all pest animals: the snake not to nxajë, hare not to eat the bathën loknat, the theme for the bird theme of earthworms not cross dam to keep the field. Three days before the wine should mshefë grids, sieves, forks of the clear springs, so as not to saw these items any servant of the house, though related to null ndryshejHerds. These wines fall days always among the first days of March. After dinner, all members of the house together about fever. The owner of the house takes a thread of black wool, and connect to a node's string these words mean. Connect God night and day mojt wine! I bit the Lord dearly! Yes shtringat link. So repeat this operation for each soul damtues, disease, worms and hills to do with the link. "
But in the Northeast as the celebrated "Day of Summer"? The first steps fëmirisë I spent in my vendilindjen Debar, where I witnessed firsthand and have witnessed how Dibrane celebrate "Summer Day". Therefore I describe exactly Region, of Dibra, symbolized by the North-East geographical position, as well as surrounding areas to celebrate and many elements have many similarities with Dibra.
Celebrations of this day two weeks before the start Debar, where young men go to the mountain during the day and expect juniper, which bring in the village, to form one or more stack. These Huge mounds of juniper placed mainly on the higher points of the village, so that fire is the higher the competition, becoming visible to other villages around.
When the Sun sits out of the pack from the horizon being replaced by the moon, young people approaching about stack of juniper, and await the moment that you set on fire.Once the fire kindled, throw guys are blown away (it means inherited from generation to generation and that is so craft, which throws from a relatively far distance that have stones medium size) to remove and kill the evil, so that spring be more abundant rainfall, to ensure good harvests, many "blessings" of which will create ample reserves to last over the winter period. But, the girls sing rhapsody inherited and transmitted from generation to generation devoted to "Summer Day". The ritual continues until the date "14 March".

With "14 March" in the morning put an undeclared race who wakes up early in the morning (by tradition the one who wakes up later to go the whole year in many in time to sleep), waking up later families usually have a symbolic punishment, you shut the outside door.
Once awakened, young people come to collect flowers as kukreka, lulethane, willow, etc., which put on the entrance door and inside the house. While girls cook eggs, paint and mosaic of colors. Perceived among young eggs with fitimas (which means he has the strongest egg has wins and takes his father to break).
These events usually occur in a meadow or in the center of the village, where in addition to these rites become well enough to prove the other as "Kala Dibrane" wrestling between young boys etc.. During the morning preparing lunch abundant mothers, which occupies a special place to sleep (mostly traditional cooking area of ​​Debar).
After lunch, people come to visit my relatives.
So close Summer Day celebration, a celebration that brings only joy, harmony and happiness in our families.
Last years "Summer Day" has become truly a national holiday, where massively celebrated by all Albanians regardless of age, religion and regional. This indicates that the Albanians are united in celebration, as a single trunk showing that they are a single nation and have only one identity, the Albanian, which is derived from ancient Illyrian civilization, among the elderly not only in the Balkans but also in Europe. Summer Day confirms this connection because the "Day of Summer" is a very ancient time of celebration and ways. It is a pagan holiday is derived from antiquity and is guarded by many in our day to bigotry.
Of course since it began its celebration until today, times have changed and therefore the manner of celebration, but its basic form is the same, has been and remains a pagan holiday, originally Albanian tradition and dedicated the season the spring, which revitalized after an all tired and sleep during the winter.
Ballokumja, Summer's Day tradition

It is characteristic dessert in Elbasan. There was and is synonymous with Summer Day.There is a special formula cooking, known only in this city. In general, a ballokume prepared as follows: In a special copper vessel entered the order of fresh butter, sugar, eggs, cornstarch and a little top fire lye. All assortments are selected in natural conditions. Butter should be produced in the village and have a particular color. Fresh butter melt and placed in ballokumes basin. On the butter little by little cast sugar and beaten both by a long wooden spoon. Then jump the eggs one by one while you still beating with the spoon. He has thrown the top row of corn flour. Yeast flour and mix slowly thrown constantly with the wooden spoon. We move a little lye thrown fire formed. The beating must be done manually. Dough formed from this mixture with wooden spoon handle and put the balls in baking pan and put in oven with firewood. Baked and served in the form of cakes.

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