Wednesday, March 14, 2012

We can all go in space ...soon

Spatial proposed train can travel freely across the earth's atmosphere and to allow 4 million people per year to travel in space within the next 20 years.
Startram - pojektuar by one of the inventors of magnetic trains with air movement, which are in use in countries like China, will be a rail supported by "superkavo" which stay in the air thanks to the magnetic force.Trains will be issued in the space of seconds in a closed tube of 80 mile long, and scientists who are at the proposal of $ 60 billion claim that could revolutionize the industry.Startram is based on the existing Maglev technology and fundamental physics. Motivated a nation can build a system capable startram to send about 300,000 tons of cargo in orbit at a cost not greater than $ 40 / kg, expressed makers.The system will be able to "throw" the capsule in orbit, thus accelerating the closed capsules at a speed up 5milje/sekond using large electromagnetic forces.
Resources in our solar system are immense. Energy which comes from the sun and hits our small planet every day, is approximately 10,000 times smaller than what we currently need. Blocked raw materials in comets and asteroids may be the key supporters and economic growth for the new millennium that has just begun, scientists say.Creator of "startram" stated that this would be a great step forward for human civilization and will provide a "safety net" in case that life on Earth would feel threatened by wars or natural disasters.
Version for the transportation of goods would cost about $ 20 billion and will be ready within 10 years, while the version for the transportation of people would cost $ 60 billion and could be ready within 20 years designers and physicists claim including Dr. James Powell , co-founder of systems of transport "Maglev".
NASA scientists have studied about this teknologjieduke made and the relevant tests and have been expressed that the results are quite optimistic and that the project may be put into implementation and be successful.However physicists give their warning about this project looking at it with skepticism, "startram necessarily be a global program and not dependent on a single state, the possibility for a race otherwise expensive and dangerous weapons among nations is very large. Therefore, it must come from you, the people. This is simply too important to be left to individual nations and armies. "

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