Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The book is out translated ..!

Mein Kampf - My Struggle, is one of the most controversial books, rejected, criticized, but the most famous 20-th century. Maybe it was the most important book in the Third Reich, a bible of National Socialism.
Millions of houses were on the shelves of libraries at the time, even given as a gift book through marriages, birthdays and graduation. The book continues to inspire curiosity and today still debate, and for the fact that represents the vision of Adolf Hitler, the basic elements of the ideology of plans, as well as his character.
Hitler began to write the book in the summer of 1924, while serving a prison sentence for a failed attempt to overthrow the government. Initially, he planned to write an autobiography, but ambition was up and decided to write a tough and tendentious book, changing the title resembling "Four and a half years struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice" in "My Struggle".
Hitler was interested primarily in the cultivation of his myth as the savior of the German people. Throughout the book, has written about the role of genius destined to lead a great nation, even though these people can not appreciate in advance. "The millions of people ... a man should make a step forward, "said. It was clear that he considered himself as such, as chosen by God to revive the German people after the defeat in WWI.
Mein Kampf is less revealing personal history of Adolf Hitler and more revealing of his character to relentless. Early in the book, describing the healing of wounds received in battle, acknowledged that, during the long nights in the hospital, "was added to the hatred." Revenge is a central theme throughout the book. The author expresses hatred of opponents, disdained nearly all social classes, races, creeds, and other countries. There was a man filled with hatred, determined to punish those who believed were responsible for the devastating military defeat of Germany.
Over time, Hitler admitted that he had reservations about the style but not the content of this book. Critics often say that he feared the fact that the writing may reveal something different from what he wanted to know. It is possible that Hitler have realized that he had betrayed himself in this book, inadvertently leaving out playing masks with which he hoped to appear before the reader. Intended to convey his portrait as genius, the great heroic leader, willing to save his people, but, instead of these, may appear as small, brutal, vindictive, who is ready to destroy anyone who del in the way of realizing their ambitions.
Hitler in the book goes much from one topic to another. Expresses his thoughts on theater, education, propaganda techniques, economy, trade unions, the art of reading, history, literature, marriage, syphilis, Marxism, the need for a strong leader for Germany, and the responsibility for losing the First World War. Mein Kampf seems like the struggle of a visionary who wants to give his worldview, not a politician who speaks for the party program. Both are essential elements of his vision of extensively discussed in the book, which constitute the core of national-socialist ideology.
One is the doctrine of racial war, which is the foundation of his philosophy, because he regarded as "the iron law of Nature". Believed in the survival of the fittest, insisting that race must either fight, or is destined to disappear. Humanity has progressed through the war, and peace will make it die, wrote. Said the higher race is Aryan, which should also be the dominant race over other human beings. Expressed concern about the threat of other races who tried to raise himself approaching the level of their masters. Ordered care to the risk of mixing with other races. Rescue of Germany, he believed, would come only when racial restore its integrity.
The main object of his hatred were Slavs, and above all the Jews, whom they blamed for all the sufferings of the German nation. Anti-Semitism that embraced when he was still young in Vienna, became so wild that when he wrote the book Mein Kampf, came to call the Jews as "vermin", the first step of the subsequent massacre massive inhumanity on this people .
Another central element of Hitler's vision was the concept of geopolitics "lebensraum" or living space of the German people. Just a big space on this earth assures a nation freedom of existence, he thought. The greater a nation geographically, said Hitler, the greater will be its influence in international affairs. Was convinced that the greatness of a nation was associated with territorial expansion, arguing that what is not accepted by friendly methods, should forcibly abducted. This saw the need for space associated with the expansion eastward, Russian territory.
Hitler, unlike many German statesmen in the 1920s, not content with the annulment of the Treaty of Versailles and return to 1914 borders enemy. He considered these limits as political ineptitude and consequences of major proportions that it considered a crime. I openly displayed expansionist political goals. Declared that Germany must defeat France, then looked back towards the East. Believed that Germany should be the dominant power throughout the continent.
Adolf Hitler was not an innovative thinker. Proposed ideas in Mein Kampf does not have all their own, but they stem from a range of theories and arguments to present at that time in Europe. However, if he had embraced as their own zeal and brought them scary perverted proposals.
An axiom of politics at that time said that citizens should pay attention to what politicians say but what they do. Perhaps for this reason, readers of that time is not taken seriously Hitler's statements, calling them simply as irritating language of a politician angry. But it later emerged that Hitler invoked in the most brutal of these ideas, when he took power in Germany. Words, even in politics, sometimes have serious consequences, and this is one reason why Mein Kampf remains important even today, reminding us how terrible the consequences for people who did not take seriously the words of this one.

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