Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thank you Silvia for the feedback

I came across an article about a euro-based project that is constructing multiple high power lasers to "melt" the fabric of space, melting the "Quantum Foam" if you will. This is all in hopes of being able to study "ghost particles" that come in and out of existence so fast that no one is able to record or study them. By melting the fabric, scientists are hoping that they will be able to manipulate these particles to study them. This research is based around the possible existence of parallel/alternate dimensions. I would appreciate feedback and thoughts on this subject.

Who sees all the paradoxes?

Who sees all the paradoxes?

It, in itself is absolute nothingness beyond any conceptual images, beliefs, words or feelings of what nothingness could be, but yet it feels like everything is there and part of all that is. Right now you just made it into something by believing that it is nothing. 

But let me tell you that from conditioning’s perspective it feels like this unknown massive black hole is sucking your whole being into the fear of non existence but yet, the fear of it is witnessed by a grander version of yourself and it is the gateway to your indescribable and natural peaceful state which never left you.

Conditioning’s interpretation of peace pales in comparison to harmonious quietude of this nature. Silence is nothing but its perfume yet. It doesn’t move, it doesn’t fluctuate or shake. It is there unchanged, unaffected, immaculate but it’s nothing but yet everything at the same time, paradoxically speaking. But please don’t try to make it into something by thinking that it is nothing or else you wouldn’t get it. Instead, just forget about it. I am not asking you to make an effort to forget, but JUST forget and forget that you forgot.

Watching every play of existence through the experience of physicality and yet is itself outside the bounds of that which constantly changes and fluctuates. Who or what is it?
It is YOU and yet you tell me that you are something else and you identify yourself with its dreams. I say we stay in the witnessing and knowing by experiencing the most wisely we can, because there is nothing else to do but playing gracefully in this witnessing of all that is.

Remaining as the paradox itself is not enough. Who sees all the paradoxes?

If the're no one else but YOU, let's as well play.

By Kevin Mangaroo

The man and the butterfly

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared, he sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.
Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily.
But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.
Neither happened!
In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings.
It never was able to fly.
What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been.
And we could never fly.

The strange cover form the book

I am reading a book called From the Ashes  of Angels by Andrew Collins and it is fascinating! Inside the book is a description and picture of what the watchers/grigori would have looked like if they came down to Earth in human form. Yhey were pale skinned with white curly hair and golden eyes. They were also very tall. Now i remember as a young girl i saw a book a friend had that showed beautiful pale people with white hair. It was called the Dreamthief's Daughter by Michael Moorcock. The cover art by Robert Gould is beautiful and now that i think about it, the two people on the cover of that book remind me soooo much of the grigori! the fallen watchers who came to earth long ago to influence our ancestors. Does anyone else agree?  The picture i attached is by Robert Gould i found on his website. take a look!

Giant spider bat puts the soldier in hospital for three days

The Soldier was sent to Iraq, with mission when in the desert he was bitten by a giant spider.
The soldier was immediately transfered in the nearest hospital, and spent three days there till the full recovery.
It is a common thing to get biten by spiders in Iraq, soldiers fight spiders but there are many of them left.

The soldier knew about the dangers of bombs and bullets but never thought that it would be a giant camel spider to risk his life. Hopefully he is okay now!

Image credid: US Military
Source: Daily Mail

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Invented the alarm clock that requires PIN to turn off

A new ore was devised which requires your PIN, so that the alarm is not repeated again.

This hour of the new model is spreading with great speed in all world markets. Many people who have trouble sleeping and especially with the 'snooze' button that presses the alarm clock for a few minutes later, they decided to choose a new model of the clock withyour PIN in order to disturb the more disabling alarm but also to set in motion the brain to ensure a much more rapid awakening. 


These tringeza are nearly a century old, but in history dating about 1000 BC They show that in ancient Phoenician ancient culture and over time, after levizjene and exchange of cultures of that time, they became very popular in the Mediterranean Basin countries as Turkey, Greece, Italy and Spain where they still protected the bigotry and are in wide predorim Spanish traditional folk dance therefore considered as immovable culture of Spain (they see as local national instruments). These tringeza otherwise referred to as percussion instruments serve as objects of Flamengo plotesuse for dancers to give the rhythm dance and musical fragments during separation performance.Regarding a curiosity about this instrument they have never been tested in a modern orchestra, not because he can not test but for the reason that people who can use them in a professional manner tringeza these are very few in the world. Knackers usually used in pairs as an instrument, or a variety that can be two or more castanets and a guitar.Knackers consist of two solid pieces of wood in brown (Castanet) in the form of eternal beam shell with 4 cm, those at the end of them are separate and have an elastic fiber was attached to keep the thumb and forefinger of third, to duave being that should be used in both hands, that helps pay for the full blow and extraction autetik sound called music (to give the true character of Spanish). Castanets are used to Carmen, Chabrier España that Rhapsody and Massenet's ballet Cid. For kastenjetat has also written on Wagner in Muikes Venusberg Tannhauser (1861) saying that it lead to an extreme where there braktises but never feel alone.These castanets are considered perhaps the most striking sophisticated instruments."Do not listen to ordinary dry kercitjen but ndjejini pace!"By: Florenc Zyberi 

Map of Albania 1867

TIRANA, Professor Ferdinand millions (born in Naples in 1896 and died in 1987 in Rome), was an eminent geographer, lecturer at the University of Naples and Rome, a member of the National Academy of Lincei, the author of numerous books, a great importance for the study of economic geography. He has published in the March number of 1942, the journal of the Italian club tour, "Streets of Italy", an extremely important essay entitled "Albanians and Albania". And think how useful the publication of a summary of the essay, since it is not available neither Italian nor libraries Albanian ones.The author asserts that at the beginning of the essay that "in the Balkans, where many countries and peoples, not always physical shape allows to distinguish between a region of another or of another nationality. Transit from one territory to another nation, inhabited by mixed populations for centuries long shared history, must necessarily more than once, be assigned to this or that political state. With a little more good will, honesty and objective study of facts, it will be possible, however, even in this region of great natural and human, but also complicated to achieve a fair deal and stable ". Thus, millions Ferdinand begins to consider the new Albanian state. First of all - ask, - Is there an Albanian nationality? An authentic Albanian Minister Ernest Koliqi, novelist, poet and minister of Education in Albania from 1939 to 1942 in a guide that nice step guide to Albania, published by Italian Tourist Society in 1940, makes two important statements: "Events different historical, through which passed the Albanian race, have given it a special character, varied and unusual, that make it look like a real mosaic of religious beliefs, different customs, and costumes. " He further adds: "If you ask people around town or on the mountain, north or south 'who are you', you will hear the answer tougher and proud" I am Albanian. '"Koliqi entitled, - says millions: The more stop in Albania, the more we study and learn about this land and this people are so interesting, so good and faithful, the more we see how different are the people in this region. It is admirable that despite the Turkish rule, the national feeling is not extinct in this nation of shepherds and woodcutters, who in the long centuries of foreign rule, have a story that has nothing to do with rebellions and revolts of bold printing bloody. Flame of national feeling has remained alive in this nation so much so, in 1878, after the Berlin Congress, the Central League was established for the protection of Albanian nationality, with the capital Ohrid. League called for the autonomy of the Albanian state in order to protect the country from dismemberment of the territory between Serbia, Montenegro and Greece. "Millions of recalls in his article, that Italy during previous centuries has recognized the Albanian citizenship by providing assistance in his war Skanderbeg truly epic and welcoming Albanian refugees in our country, where they lived freely, keeping their religion, their language and their costumes, have been associated with the house "adoptive" not less than with the speaker. In 1911, when Albanians were in rebellion, was formed in Rome to Albania a Parliamentary Committee, which gathered 60 MPs from all political colors, organized an army that had a common cause, that would collect money and clothing and in favor of the insurgents. It was Italy that together with Austria, he echoed the rights of Albanians in the Ambassadors' Conference held in London next year, when their cause triumphed right.Language, nation, religion"What is before our eyes, - writes millions, while noting that more than anything else they (Albanians) are distinguished by the language they speak. Preservation of language loyalty is great, regardless of the reasons many strengths and fighting against its existence. Preservation of language has prevented 'loss' of people, distinguishing them among other peoples. It is the eagle, another powerful conservative element of nationality, even if the nations, politically considered, have lost their nationality and independence.Linguists are not all agree as to the origin of the autonomy of the Albanian language.According to their most ancient Albanian comes from Illyrian, while others feel that it is continuously tracks other than the Illyrian. Certainly that is a language that has immediate impact outside the midst of these has a great influence from Latin. There are missing words derived from ancient Greek, but most frequently are derived from Greek words medieval. Are apparent, however, the effects of the Turkish Slavs, while the impact is not negligible either from other Balkan languages. Thus ends millions: "The Albanian language, though so modified, retains its strength and works today for national duties."The Albanian people are divided into different religions. Subject to influences of Rome and Byzantium, dominated for more than four centuries of Muslim invaders, this population is distinct in three major religions: Catholic, Orthodox and Muslim. But this trio has not damaged the confidence of the people unity. Most Muslims live in complete tolerance to the Orthodox and Catholics. It is apparent that to understand who is actually the Albanian people, most striking element is the language difference. It is the loyalty of a people for his own language, a people who for many years was dominated by foreigners and is undoubtedly the best document of national character. There will be difficult, I just recognized the Albanian nation, the linguistic element to remove the boundaries that must have Albanian state. Unfortunately, - says the author, - is not easy to understand how people still speak Albanian in the Balkan region. The Ottoman government enjoyed giving estimates of making distinctions, more on faith than on language.Number of populationAn official publication of the English government, which was published in 1922, brought the number of Albanians about a half million to 2 million people. But, by the Albanian population, only half of it, or maybe less, has lived within the borders of the Kingdom of Albania. The other half and that was not negligible lived abroad, in Yugoslavia and Greece.Yugoslav official statistics reduce the number of the Albanian population to 442,000 within its borders. According to official Yugoslav sources, the Albanian minority in their country qenkërka us half the Albanian population of the Kingdom of Albania. In fact, the Albanians were at least double that figure, who gave them, and it was at least three-fourths of the remaining population in the Kingdom of Albania.Maps"In 1919, - writes millions - was published an ethnographic map of the Balkan Peninsula.In Montenegro, Tivat and the border region of old inhabited by the Albanian population that is still compact and surrounded by Lake Skadar. The Albanians, in a compact mass inhabited ponds are higher limit, Ibar and White Drin, where Albanians are driven by Krushevicës mountains, reaching up to the old border between Montenegro and Serbia.Albania - by Kettler, - must have been stretched almost all the Skadar Lake and in Hoti regions, the Alps and in northern districts and Ipekut Albanian Gjakova with Methohinë fertile Krushevicës up in the mountains.In Serbia, beyond its ancient Montenegro, the Albanians have formed a large island, which lies with its branches and around Novi Pazar, in the high basin of the Ibar, and as far south near the Kopanikut Goljakut. They are all ethnic Albanians, who overwhelmingly just beyond these mountains mingle with the Serbs and Bulgarians. Other islands of Serbs stopped, however, continuity of the Albanian population is thus: Ipekut immediately east, north and south of Pristina and Prizren. But even in these areas population is overwhelmingly Albanian, while the whole inhabited Kosovo is unquestionably Albanian, who in the cultivation of lowland soils of this region show their great capacity for work and their outstanding ability to progress Between Prizren and Vranje, has a population mix with the Bulgarians, who occupy some part of the great river valleys. Mountainous region in the top right of the Vardar River is inhabited by Albanians, who, in fact little further south, have formed several small islands near Krushevit, Bitola and Florina, a town located within the boundaries of the old Greeks. But within the limits of old Greece, Albanians constitute an oasis greater than that of Florina. Millions of claims has taken note of the indications given on Albanians inside and outside the Albanian border, around the areas inhabited by ethnic Albanians outside the borders (1940) Kingdom of Albania.For some statements he has given scholars of language, as Germany's Kettler, which agrees with several other authors as permission Mirkovitch Russian scholar, Slaven Bradaska, Charles H. Kiepert and Sax), all scholars of the second half of '800-es. In light of these authoritative sources, Ferdinand millions examines Albanian claims at the Peace Conference. Albanian claims was key to Turhan Pasha memorial, urging the return Albania, territories incorporated in Montenegro and Serbia, as well as those incorporated in Greece, as a result of the London Conference of 1913-es.Ethnic boundaryBasically asking the ethnographic frontier claimed by Albania, in which Albania is part of Tuz, Hoti, Gruda, Podgorica, Ipeku, the eastern part of Mitrovica, the districts of Pristina, Gnjilane, Ferizaj, the Kacanik ... a part of the County the Uskubit, Kalkandeles circle, Gostivar, Kicevo, Dibra, reaching up to the hill called the Mount 'The Dry, between Lakes Ohrid and Prespa. Starting from this point, the boundary follows the tracks of the year 1913 to the crest of Monte Gramos and continues to the south, to end up close to Preveza. All territories located to the west of this border are ethnic and historical land. ""The limits of these territories mentioned, - Turhan Pasha memorial continues - live about two and a half million Albanians, of whom almost one million live within the limits prescribed in Albania by the London Conference of 1913 and one million half that gave the same conference Montenegro, Serbia, Greece ". Surely after all this "exercise" historic, millions professor reports its findings that: "Of course, the Albanian people has right now to see the individuality eventually built their own ethnic and national". 

Anonymous will discontinue internet

Anonymous will disconnect the internet on 31 March.

Action called "Operation Global Blackout" of Anonymous hackers intends to demolish the13 central DNS servers in the world, which would cause a lack of internet around the globe.

Internet activists reported that this group action is a protest against laws to protectcopyrights, Wall Street, bankers and irresponsible leaders of the world. 

Dog in the office? Increases in labor productivity

Enpa of Turin proposes to copy the American model.

Except that employees will work with more desire and will have a high growth of humor butwould require a reduction in stress and all this at a cost of 0. Following the idea of ​​placing the dogs in prisons and hospitals comes new fashion of taking dogs with them in the office working. 

Enigma's name and date of birth of Charlie Chaplin

It is about the birthday of cinema legend Charlie Chaplin. Real name and birthplace of silent film legend Charlie Chaplin remains steeped in mystery, as the Interior declares counterintelligence agency in the UK.
Secret documents recently published claim that MI5 agents were asked in 1952 by the FBI to investigate the origin of Chaplin that under the Americans had in fact left agent who used an alias and that his real name was Israel Thornstein.Chaplin, one of the stars of the first and greatest of Hollywood's famous for his character "the vagrant" was probably born on April 16, 1889, south of London. However, an exhaustive search by MI5 found no evidence anywhere of his birth nor any evidence suggesting that during his life was ever considered a security risk during his life based on secret intelligence files.No evidence for any named Charles or Israel born on 16 April and further investigation into rumors that Chaplin was born in France at Fontainebleau also not proved true. MI5 said that new evidence thrown up last year suggested that Chaplin was born in a caravan of a woman known as "Gypsy Queen" in the central part of England and his mother was a member of the "community in motion". Information discovered thanks to a letter sent Chaplinit few years before his death in 1977 by a man named Jack Hill, who said the owner of the caravan was his aunt.During his long career, Chaplin sparked political controversy with films such as "The Great Dictator" an imitation of Nazi leader and "A King in New York", a satire of anti-communist fears in America. By 1920, Chaplin was accused by the U.S. authorities as a supporter of communism, a claim which he always denied. He refused to return to the United States in 1953 and went to live in Switzerland. MI5 dossier that includes press releases, letters to and from the U.S. embassy and a telegram to Chaplin by a Soviet agent, also shows that British agency also rejected U.S. allegations and concluded in 1958 an investigation on the basis of which he was not a no risk. 

Sleep weakens and dissolves body fat

Scientific study done on the medical center "Kaiser Permanente" in Portland has shown that insufficient sleep can greatly help in melting the fats.

The new study says that women and men who sleep at least six hours a day, and who know how to behave positively to stress daily, six days during the diet very easily lose up to 6.3 kilograms.

Researchers think that sleeping from 6 to 8 hours at night, helps to maintain hormonalbalance causing feelings of hunger and satiety, and helps in coping with stress.

Dr. Charles Elder from the center 'Kaiser Permanente' claims: "This study shows that people who intend to lose weight, have enough sleep and have to avoid as muchexposure to stress. This means that we must reduce occupation daily and have previouslyfallen asleep. "